The mountain cannot be controlled, it only may be tamed. Nevertheless, its environment remains a hostile if it is not approached with respect and humility.
With a destination that is increasingly in demand, it is advisable to adopt the right behavior and reflexes, whatever the season, in order to enjoy your stay in complete serenity.
Plan your trip in advance.
A backpack
A hat or cap
A pair of sunglasses adapted to your needs
T-shirts to wick away sweat
A warm garment
Protective clothing type K-Way
Trousers or shorts
Hiking boots (not new to avoid blisters or any type of warm-up)
Hiking socks
A pair of walking sandals to rest the feet during the evenings of stops
A pair of lightweight gloves
Walking sticks
Hygienic products
A survival blanket
A gourd of about 1.5l
A knife
A lighter
A mosquito repellent spray
Sunscreen cream
A first aid kit
Feel free to have a medical check-up before you leave
Make sure you are in good physical shape for the course you have considered
You have a problem along the way, talk to your friends and family, to your guide.
Learn to manage your efforts while walking
Stop and recover as many times as necessary
Quickly treat your blisters
Your safety and well-being must be a priority.
Respect the instructions that can be given to you before your departure and in any case, those of your guide.
Be responsible
Respect your environment, local populations, other members of the group and your guide