These Terms of Use apply to your access to and use of the Envie d’Albanie photos or photo gallery (the "Gallery"). They apply to your use of the service in order to use the photos and / or videos made available to you.

Your use of the Service is expressly subject to your acceptance of these Terms of Use. If you do not accept these Terms of Use, you are not authorized to use the Service. If you access the Service in the name and on behalf of a company or any other entity, you declare and acknowledge that you are an authorized representative of the company or entity in question and that you are entitled, as such , to link it to these Terms of Use.

Envie d’Albanie reserves the right to modify, revise or rectify in any other way, at any time, in its sole discretion, one of the stipulations of these Terms of Use, as well as any other term, policy or rule governing your use of the Service. Envie d’Albanie will inform you of any modification to this order by email, by publishing the information on its Site, by posting the modified Terms of Use on the Site and by changing the date of the last update. updated on the first page, or by any other means chosen by Envie d’Albanie. Your use of the Service after the modification of the modified Terms of Use or any other notification will constitute your acceptance of the changes and modifications in question. In any other case, the changes and modifications will take effect within thirty (30) days of their publication on the Site unless you inform Savatours Incoming within this thirty (30) day that you do not accept these changes and you stop using the Service. Consequently, you are required to consult the Terms of Use each time you access the Service and once every thirty (30) days, at least, to ensure that you are aware of the conditions which are applicable to your use. of the Service.


1. Additional rules and policies

These Terms of Use and the additional rules and policies of Envie d’Albanie (if applicable) together constitute a binding contract between you and Envie d’Albanie. All of these additional rules and policies are incorporated into these Terms of Use as necessary and together govern your use of the Service and / or any Product acquisitions you make.

The Service is a free Service accessible only to Envie d’Albanie partners.

2. Copyright policy

Envie d’Albanie respects the intellectual property rights of others and expects its users to do the same. To this end, all Gallery or photos users are subject to the Copyright Policy set out in Section B below.

3. User license

The Service and all elements relating to it are the property of Envie d’Albanie or its third-party licensors and are protected by Albanian and international laws relating to intellectual property. Envie d’Albanie   hereby grants you a limited, non-transferable license, which may not be licensed and revocable, allowing you to access and use the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery only in accordance with these Terms of use. You acknowledge that (i) all rights to the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery, including all copyrights, and other proprietary rights attached thereto, belong to and will continue to belong to Envie d’Albanie or its third party licensors; (ii) the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery are protected by intellectual property laws, including copyright; and (iii) according to Envie d’Albanie, the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery contain important information belonging to Envie d’Albanie or its licensors, whose constitution required a lot of time and financial investment.

4. Restrictions

You agree not to (i) modify or change the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery; (ii) create derivative works from the contents of the photos and the photo Gallery; or (iii) bypass, delete or deactivate all security mechanisms to access the photos and the photo Gallery and its content. Unless expressly authorized herein, you may not use the photos and the photo Gallery Service or content to engage in any of the following activities or operations: the collection, reproduction or distribution of any part of the photos and the photo Gallery; any resale, commercial use, commercial exploitation, distribution, public representation or public presentation of the Service or the photos and the photo Gallery; modification or derivative uses of the Service or photos and the photo Gallery; extracting content from the Service (scraping) or using any data mining method, robots or any other similar method of extracting or collecting data on or in association with the Service ; with the exception of the content of the photos and the photo Gallery made available for download, the download of any part of or any information contained therein; or any use of the Service or the photos and the photo Gallery for purposes other than those intended. Any use of the Service or the photos and the photo Gallery which is not specifically authorized herein, and without the express, prior and written agreement of Envie d’Albanie is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized use may immediately terminate your rights under these Terms of Use and constitutes a violation of the license granted herein.

5. Commitment of Envie d’Albanie  

Thanks to the Service, you can upload, publish and transmit photos and videos to your websites, brochures and catalogs.

You do not, under any circumstances, become the owner of the intellectual property rights of the content that you publish, download or otherwise make available to your customers, including the copyright of your photos and videos.

Envie d’Albanie grants you an intellectual, non-exclusive and royalty-free right to use the content of the photos and the photo Gallery, for the entire duration of the professional relations between you and Envie d’Albanie.

Envie d’Albanie declares and guarantees that (i) you have the right to publish, use, display, distribute under certain conditions to Third Parties (*) the content of the photos and the photo Gallery; (ii) the content of the photos and the photo Gallery that Envie d’Albanie offers is accurate and is not misleading; and (iii) the use and publication of the content of the photos and the photo Gallery that Envie d’Albanie distributes does not infringe these Terms of Use and will not infringe the rights of any person or entity or cause harm to any person or entity.

Envie d’Albanie may at any time limit the volume of the photos and the photo Gallery, has the right to delete its content at any time. In addition, in the event that Envie d’Albanie decides, for whatever reason, to close content from the photos and the photo Gallery, all associated content will be deleted.

(*) subject to prior written agreement between the partner and Envie d’Albanie.

6. Responsibilities of users of the photos and the photo Gallery

You are solely responsible for your use of the photos and the photo Gallery content and its content.

In no case may you use the photos and the photo Gallery and its content in an illicit, defamatory, hateful, harassing, threatening, invasive of privacy or personality rights, abusive, provocative, fraudulent or in any other way litigious or harmful.

In no case may you alter, modify or carry out any equivalent actions of the photos and the photo Gallery and its content leading to an obscene, pornographic, indecent, shocking, sexually suggestive character.

In no case may you use the photos and the photo Gallery and its content for a purpose that would constitute, encourage or incite to commit a criminal offense, infringe the rights of a third party, harm national security, engage the responsibility of a person or violate any national, international, state, or local law.

Under no circumstances should you take any action while using the photos and the photo Gallery and its content that would be likely to infringe any other third party property rights, including intellectual property rights.

In no case, when using the photos and the photo Gallery and its content, you must not modify or delete the texts, or titles, or nominations of authors who are mentioned with each content. During publications, printing, etc. these statements must remain clearly accessible and visible.

7. Accessibility of the Service to third parties

Envie d’Albanie may make available, through its partners, the content of the photos and the photo Gallery to third parties (hereinafter the "Third Parties"), only for commercial purposes in the context of the promotion of the products offered by Envie d’Albanie.

When the relationship between Envie d’Albanie and the partner is broken, you should know that these Terms of Use and all other Envie d’Albanie policies no longer govern your use of the photos and the photo Gallery or any content it contains. The provision of the photos and the photo Gallery by Envie d’Albanie to Third Parties does not indicate any link between Envie d’Albanie and Third Parties, nor any approval or control of the uses made by Third Parties of the content of the photos and the photo Gallery. Envie d’Albanie makes no representation and accepts no responsibility for the quality, accuracy, nature, ownership or reliability of Third Parties.

In any case, the Third Parties agree with their partners to fully respect the conditions of use of the photos and the photo Gallery.

Both the partner and the Third Party agree to assume all risks associated with the use of the photos and the photo Gallery and its content and its use is subject to the conditions of use and data protection policies.

8. Limitation of Liability of Envie d’Albanie, its officers, members, employees or representatives or agents cannot be held liable for any special, incident or incidental damages or any other damages or any kind, of any loss of use, loss of profit or loss of data, whether the foundation of liability involved (breach of contract, delay or next-delay or any other foundation), which would be linked to, or result from, the use or impossibility of using or consulting the Gallery, service, products, content or materials contained in the service or available throughout them, including all damages caused by your use of any information obtained from Envie d’Albanie or resulting from errors, omissions, interruptions, deletion or files, anomalies, defects, viruses, delays in operation or transmission or any interruption, suspension or other failure, which results from continuous acts, communication problems, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to incoming documents, programs or services.

9. Termination of Service

Envie d’Albanie may terminate any partner’s access to the Service or right to use the Service at any time for any reason at its sole discretion, which such termination will be effective immediately. If you violate the Terms of Use, Envie d’Albanie at its sole discretion may (i) require you to remedy any violation thereof and/or (ii) take any other actions that Envie d’Albanie deems appropriate to enforce its right and pursue available remedies.